Our partnership program is USD. 600 for companies. And the benefits are as follows:

  1. We market your product to our members 789 active hospitals and clinics by sending your brochure to them.
  2. We publish on our website your products and details.
  3. We put an advert on our hospital journal which is monthly in on one edition.
  4. When we have a conference, you bring your banner and brochures with one person to represent your company.
  5. We will be available to organize any event on your behalf and call all our members to attend.
  6. Your organization will have access to all our events yearly and other beneficial meetings will be communicated to you earlier to enable you attend.
  7. We will also assist you get to the East African Market through our regional partners.

Our corporate membership is USD 500 yearly and can be sent to: Association of private hospitals The Bank details are as below: BANK: ABSA KENYA PLC. ACCOUNT NUMBER: 2037970770, BRANCH: HARAMBEE AVENUE PREMIER LIFE CENTER, SWIFT CODE: BARCKENXNPB.